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Desde 2004, já foram diversos ortopedistas especialistas em Cirurgia de Joelho formados pelo Grupo do Joelho do Hospital Madre Teresa (HMT), constituindo uma safra de profissionais alinhados com os mais elevados padrões de excelência em ortopedia e traumatologia do mundo.

As aulas da especialização são ministradas pelos membros do Grupo com participação direta dos especializandos, residentes e colegas da área da saúde. Como a formação acontece nas dependências do HMT, os especializandos têm a oportunidade de aliar teoria e prática de forma contínua e qualificada. 

Um dos diferenciais da formação de especialistas do HMT é o intercâmbio com o serviço de ortopedia e traumatologia da Universidade de Leipzig, na Alemanha. Como experiência de estágio, o residente do segundo ano passa dois meses na instituição alemã, enquanto um formando de lá permanece o mesmo período no HMT. 

Além dessa parceria, as atividades de ensino e pesquisa do Grupo do Joelho do HMT também estabelecem relações com serviços e profissionais de medicina nos Estados Unidos, França e Índia.


R4 e Fellowship


The Knee Surgery Group was created in Madre Teresa Hospital after the return of Dr Luiz Fernando Machado Soares from Lion, France in 1998. Since them, him and Dr Lúcio Honório de Carvalho Júnior (previosly trained in knee surgery in USA at Cincinnati Sports Medicine Center in Cincinnati, Ohio) started to work together and to offer a place for young doctors who wish to learn knee surgery and knee pathologies. The knee Group increased after the participation of Dr. Matheus Braga Jacques Goncalves and was formally recognized by Brazilian Knee Surgery Society (SBCJ) in 2002. After an agreement between SBCJ and International Society for Arthroscopy, Knee and Orthopedics Surgery (ISAKOS), our center was worldwide spread as a recognized training center for knee surgery. Since the beginning more than 25 Orthopedics Surgeons were trained, mostly from Brazil. Dr Eduardo Frois Temponi joined the Group in 2011. Actually, more than 500 knee arthroscopies procedures and more than 250 knee replacements and 100 osteotomies around the knee were done every year.


The R4 and fellowship program is coordinated by Dr. Lúcio Honório de Carvalho Jr., MD PhD and its staff assist members of the Knee Group – Hospital Madre Teresa: Dr. Eduardo Frois Temponi, MD, Dr. Luiz Fernando Machado Soares, MD MsC, Dr. Matheus Braga Jacques Goncalves, MD and Dr. Thiago Jacques Goncalves, MD.

Scientific Activities

The scientific activities are carried out in the Madre Teresa Hospital Study Center – CDEP. Scientific meetings are mandatory and take place every Tuesday morning starting 6:45 with the presentation of predetermined teaching classes following the formal program of the Brazilian Knee Surgery Society. Papers related to the discussed subjects case presentations are discussed as well. Its mandatory for fellows to participate in clinical research projects carried out during the year.

Practical activities

The practical activities are carried out inside Madre Teresa Hospital and include but is not limited to outpatient unit, ambulatory unit, imaging center, surgical center, inpatient unit and rehabilitation center.

Time period

The R4 full program takes 12 months.

The fellowship program has a minimum duration of one month and a maximum of six months, and the candidate must have some knowledge in Portuguese, in order to increase his participation in practical activities.


Both programs (Fellowship and R4) do not offer any financial incentive. As a compensation, the applicant do not have a full time schedule during week hours and no duties on weekends.

According to applicants best interest places for lodging and extra activities can be indicated.

Program Registration

Both programs are accredited by the Brazilian Knee Surgery Society (SBCJ), International Society of Arthroscopy Knee and Orthopedic Surgery (ISAKOS) and the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais State.


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